Close your eyes for a moment (obviously after you've read this).
Take a deep breath, and imagine a world where peace reigns, where love flows freely, and where beauty is not just seen, but felt in every corner of the earth. Let that vision settle in your heart. What does it feel like? What colours, sounds, and sensations come to life as you picture this perfect world?
Now, open your eyes and realise that this vision isn't just a dream—it's a blueprint. It’s a glimpse into the future we are all capable of creating.
And you have the power to do this. Oh yes you do!!
I know there’s a lot of chaos in the world today. It’s impossible to ignore the upheaval, the uncertainty, the CRAZINESS and challenges that seem to be everywhere. But even amidst this, there’s a powerful truth: We are creators. Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have the power to shape reality.
You might wonder, "How can I be happy when there’s so much suffering around me? Wouldn’t it be selfish to focus on my own joy?" The answer is a resounding NO! In fact, it’s precisely in these times of turbulence that your positive energy is most needed.
We are standing at the threshold of a new dawn, a new way of living. The old ways of fear, division, and scarcity are crumbling, making way for something far more beautiful. Just like a forest that thrives after a fire, we too are in the process of renewal. Destruction, as painful as it can be, often precedes growth. This is not the end; it’s a beginning—a birth of a new world.
And this new world needs you. It needs all of us to hold the vision of what’s possible. To manifest this world of peace, we must first believe in it, feel it, and then let that belief and feeling guide our actions.
So, how can you keep aligning yourself with this new vision and the vibration it holds?
It starts with surrendering the old patterns and thoughts that no longer serve you. Let go of the need to control, let go of your fears, your judgements, your heartache, your disappointments and most of all let go of the resistance to change. Embrace the flow of life, and trust that you are part of something much greater—a collective awakening.
We all feel down at times, that's only natural, but we don't have to stay down there, we can do whatever it takes to feel the lightness again. It takes effort and commitment, but the rewards are profound.
When you choose love over fear, and focus on the good stuff instead of the bad, you not only transform your own life, but you also contribute to the collective shift. Your energy influences those around you, creating a ripple effect that makes it easier for others to join in this new way of being.
Our collective energy, our electromagnetic vibrations, fuelled by our thoughts and feelings, are constantly shaping the world around us. When enough of us hold the vision of a loving, peaceful earth, that is exactly what we will create.
We are being called, both individually and collectively, to step into a new way of being. To replace fear with love, darkness with light, and division with unity. This is how we create a beautiful new earth. It’s not just a possibility—it’s our destiny. And it starts with you.
So my message to you this month is to not just believe a beautiful new world is possible, but inevitable, purely because you believe it! Believe in your power, after all, your beliefs have created your life so far!
Take a moment each day to close your eyes and visualise this new world. Picture it in as much detail as you can. Feel the joy, the love, the harmony that exists in this world. As you do, you’re not just daydreaming—you’re creating.
Hold your new vision close. Nurture it. Let it guide you in your actions and interactions. And watch as the world around you begins to magically shift and change—one thought, one feeling, one belief at a time. Together, we are birthing a new world.
And it’s going to be beautiful!