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Hi I'm Jakkie, 

I'm here to help you to transform your pain and struggle into your power

I’m a MindBody practitioner, teacher, healer and the author of the books 'Your MindBody Journey’ and 'Pain into Power'


 Formerly the art director for the UK’s leading alternative health magazine, I was inspired to unplug from London life and pursue a more natural lifestyle. After a year of travelling the world, I emigrated to Australia to pursue my dreams. I studied many natural therapies and became a yoga teacher, aromatherapist and sports injuries therapist.


Having worked with hundreds of bodies over many years, I noticed a pattern emerge. Clients came with similar physical symptoms to other clients who also had the same psycho-emotional issues. This set me on a 5-year journey studying the power of the MindBody connection.​ 


I now dedicate my life to educating people about their MindBody connection, their body wisdom and how it is possible to heal their body through the power of the subconscious mind.


I have since helped hundreds of people transform their body, health, pain and many other areas of their life through my seminars, workshops, courses, and 1:1 consultations.

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MindBody Transformation 1:1 Session

In this 1:1 session with Jakkie, you'll uncover the root cause of your physical or emotional pain. You will discover your unique medicine to enable you to release that pain and live a healthy, happy fulfilled life.

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