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Why Manifesting is BS!

Writer's picture: Jakkie TalmageJakkie Talmage

Happy New Year to you !

I’d love to say that you can manifest everything you desire this year - but let’s be honest, manifesting is BS!

Why on earth am I saying this? Stick with me - I promise it’ll soon all make sense!

“Manifest your dreams” seems to be the mantra of the moment: books, blogs, movies, and yes, I’ve been bleating on about it for years too. But the more I delve into the true essence of manifestation and the laws that govern it, the more I realise there’s crucial missing ingredients that hardly anyone mentions.

We’re sold the idea that all we need to do is visualise what we desire, feel it with every fibre of our being, release all expectations, and voilà! Our dreams will magically appear. Yet, time and time again, we end up disillusioned and frustrated because our dreams don’t show up.

I understand because I’ve been there myself - many times! But my unwavering belief in the existence of magic kept me holding on to this truth: we have the power to create anything we want in life.

Then one day, it all clicked. The truth became crystal clear when I understood the fatal flaw and the essential key to successful manifesting.

The flaw in most manifestation teachings can be summed up in one word: LACK.

When you desperately want something, you’re vibrating with the frequency of not having it. This frequency attracts more lack, creating a cycle of frustration and despondency. Wishing, hoping, or “trying” to manifest, reinforces the belief that what you want is very much out of reach.

Now, let me reveal the missing key to successful manifesting:


We do not manifest. We align.

Manifesting isn’t something we DO - it’s something we BE.

Understanding alignment is the key for having the life you wish for. And how you do this is very specific. You never entertain the idea that something is missing or lacking because the truth is, abundance is all around you and in fact is you.

The universe is abundant and limitless, it’s only us that puts limitations in place. We see ourselves as separate from the infinite abundance of the universe, rather than understanding that we are that abundance.

When we truly grasp this truth - when we deeply know it at the core of our being - we naturally align with the experiences we desire, transforming our entire life!

So how on earth do we Align?

Alignment begins in your mind (your thoughts & beliefs), these thoughts and beliefs then flow through your body (your actions & energy), which aligns you with your soul (your divine nature connected to all there is). Your soul already knows that you are whole, complete, and capable of living the life you dream of.

Alignment happens when your mind and body believe this too.

Because what you choose to focus on, and align with, becomes your reality and your experience.

So when you’re in alignment, fear won’t be part of your life anymore, lack and limitations just never enter your head, you’ll start experiencing abundance in all sorts of surprising ways. Problems dissolve, paths become clear, and life flows effortlessly. You’ll shift onto the timeline of your highest potential - the one where your dreams already exist.

Sounds too hard to achieve? Well, if you believe this, then it will be!

So my message for you this month is to practice alignment.

When you stop getting sucked into to all the BS ‘out there’ and start listening to the truth ‘in there’, your soul will lead the way.

And when you let go of obsessing over your desires and instead embrace gratitude for what already exists and what’s possible, you tap into the abundance that surrounds you.

By shifting your fear and lack into a deep recognition of your innate power, alignment becomes effortless - and that’s when the true magic begins!

If this resonates with you, but you’re unsure where to begin or need support in staying aligned, this year I’m inviting a select few to embark on a remarkable journey of self-mastery with me.

Together, we’ll uncover the wisdom and power that reside within your soul, aligning your mind and body - leading to a life of health and deep fulfillment.

If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, simply reply ‘YES' on the 'Contact Jakkie' button on my webpage, or email me a 'YES', and I’ll make sure to keep you in the loop. But know this: alignment isn’t just a quick fix - it’s a whole new way of being.

Oh, and by the way, “BS” stands for “Belief System”, just so you know! 😉

Love and blessings as always,

Jakkie x


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